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05 January 2013

Trik Melihat CCTV Dari Google

search di google dengan keyword berikut : inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" -inurl -intitle
(biar gampang copy text diatas trus paste ke google)

Sumber : kaskus
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Cheat Engine - Super Begginer Tutorial -=Windows Xp users Only=-

Ok.. first all you need is:

Cheat Engine
Pinball 3D which comes with Windows XP



Open pinball 3d in your games directory.

Open cheat engine, dont start playing pinball yet.

Now we are going to try to find the address, that changes the scores of pinball 3D.

So... right now your score should be zero.

Go to cheat engine and clcik "Open Process" which is top-left computer icon.

Open the process named "pinball.exe"

Now since the score is still 0 we are going to find the adress by searching for an address with 0. So go to CE (Cheat Engine), and on value type 0, and leave the scan type to: Exact Value, and value type to:4 Bytes

Now click: First Scan, now... I got 1,995,549 addresses, you should get something similar. Don't worry we'll fix that.

Now go to Pinball 3D and start playing... once you hit something and you get points, immeadiatly click F3 or Pause the game.

Ok for me first thing I got was 30,000 points, so pause, write down what you got.

Now go to CE, and in value type your current score, for me 30,000
and click "Next Scan"

If you got more than 2 addresses, go back, get some more score, come back and re-next scan with your current score


Once you get 2 addresses on the left

double click on either one, becuase they are botk linked to each other, so if you change something to one the other one will change too.

Well now that you have it on the bottom sqaure, click once on it, and press enter, now type in your new value (or your new score Very Happy) Max Score: is 999,999,999

After you put your score, go back to Pinball 3D, un-pause and, you'll notice that your score didn't change, well just make it hit something that gives you points, and VOILA!!!

*I suggest you dont put 999,999,999 for 2 reasons:

1 to get Game Over so you can sumbit your score you need to lose, to lose you have to play... and alwyas.. always you will get some points and it will reset to some low score. i suggest you put something like 999,900,000 believe me you can get 100,000 easily in pinball 3D

2nd: if you wanna impress someone but they dont you know your hacking the program, put something like 5million something like for example:
5,458,225 thats more believable than 999,999,999 they'll know you hacked it.

Thank you, and enjoy =D

Happy Hacking

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Cara Menjawab Pertanyaan Wawancara Kerja

Hati Anda berdebar-debar saat akan menghadapi wawancara kerja. Sebab sangat sulit untuk mengetahui model pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan calon bos Anda. Lindsey Pollak, penulis buku Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World, mem...berikan beberapa pertanyaan umum yang bisa Anda siapkan jawabannya.

1. Berapa gaji yang diharapkan?

Kerjakan riset untuk rentang upah untuk jenis pekerjaan yang Anda lamar. Kemudian, naikkan sedikit lebih tinggi dari kisaran gaji tersebut untuk memberikan diri Anda ruang bernegosiasi.

2. Apa yang Anda kerjakan di kantor sebelumnya?

Pengusaha banyak yang menanyakan hal ini, jadi bersiaplah. Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa perusahaan Anda meminta Anda untuk tidak mengungkapkan informasi tersebut.

3. Sebutkan kekuatan dan kelemahan Anda?

Jangan bicarakan tentang kekuatan Anda seolah sebagai suatu kelemahan Anda. Mereka tidak akan tertarik. Sebaliknya, berbicara tentang sesuatu yang memang sebenarnya adalah kelemahan Anda dan cara Anda mencoba untuk memperbaikinya. Contoh, "Saya dulu sering gugup jika menelepon klien, tapi kemudian saya menyadari bahwa semakin sering saya melakukannya, itu menjadi mudah." Menjelaskan kelemahan Anda di masa lalu (dan Anda mengubahnya) menunjukkan bahwa Anda bersedia untuk berubah dan berkembang.

4. Apakah hubungan Anda baik dengan bos Anda?

Jadi Anda memiliki bos yang mengerikan. Pewawancara tidak perlu tahu itu. Plus, menjelekkan mantan bos adalah hal yang berbahaya. Pewawancara mungkin akan panik dan berpikir bahwa Anda akan melakukan hal yang sama jika mereka mempekerjakan Anda.

5. Mengapa Anda pindah?

Jangan pernah mengeluh atau mengkritik sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lalu. Cobalah menjawabnya seperti ini, "Itu tidak cocok dan saya ingin tantangan baru." Selesai!

6. Bagaimana cara Anda mengatasi tantangan di tempat kerja?

Berikan contoh konkret seperti, "Saya pernah diberi proyek raksasa pada menit terakhir." Kemudian menjelaskan langkah Anda menangani hal itu (bekerja hingga akhir-malam, merekrut bantuan dari sesama karyawan, dll.) Dan ceritakan hasilnya.

Sumber: Cosmopolitan
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Block an IP Address using IPSec

How to Block an IP Address using IPSec

This article will walk you through how to block an individual IP address from accessing your server, using an IPSec Security Policy.
For various reasons, you may find yourself wanting to block a specific IP address from accessing your server.
Simply following these instructions showing how to create an IPSec Security Policy specifying to block access to a specific IP address.

Click on the Start Menu and Click on Run.

Type "secpol.msc" and Click OK.

When the Local Security Settings console opens, Click on "IP Security Policies on Local Computer".

Right Click in the Right Window Pane and Click "Create IP Security Policy".

Click Next when the Wizard opens.

Here you can name your new IPSec Security Policy. In this example, we named it "Blocked IPs". When you are ready, Click Next.

Click Next

Click Next

Click Yes

Click Finish

Uncheck the "Use Add Wizard" checkbox, then Click "Add...".

Click the "Add..." button.

Uncheck the "Use Add Wizard" checkbox, then Click "Add...".

Click the dropdown menu for "Source address" and choose "A specific IP Address".

Here is where you enter what IP address you want to Block. In this example, we are going to block "".

Click the dropdown menu for "Destination address" and choose "My IP Address", then Click OK.

Click OK

Select the newly created Filter, and click on the "Filter Action" tab.

Select the "SI - Deny" Rule and Click Apply.

Click OK, then Apply and OK again to get back to the main console window.

Right Click on the newly created IPSec Security Policy, and select "Assign".

If successfull, it should state that the policy is assigned. Your server is now blocking all requests to that specific IP address.

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